[XeTeX] metalogo and bidi packages
2017-06-19 22:10:40 UTC
I've installed the new TeXLive 2017. There is a conflict between the
metalogo and bidi packages. I don't suppose this would be a biggie,
except that the xltxtra package loads metalogo. (And something else I'm
using loads xltxtra...)

The conflict is shown in this minimal example:


The error msg is:

! LaTeX Error: Command \XeTeX already defined.
Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.122 ***@reflect@box{E}}\kern-.1667em \TeX}}$}}

The reverse loading order (bidi, then metalogo) triggers an error msg
from bidi about loading order, and probably wouldn't help anyway.

For the time being, doing the following before bidi is loaded seems to
solve the problem:

Mike Maxwell
University of Maryland

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
Ross Moore
2017-06-19 23:34:50 UTC
Hi Adam,

On Jun 20, 2017, at 8:10 AM, maxwell <***@umiacs.umd.edu<mailto:***@umiacs.umd.edu>> wrote:

I've installed the new TeXLive 2017. There is a conflict between the metalogo and bidi packages. I don't suppose this would be a biggie, except that the xltxtra package loads metalogo. (And something else I'm using loads xltxtra...)

The conflict is shown in this minimal example:

It happens while processing the file

since metalogo has already defined macros: \XeTeX and \XeLaTeX .


The error msg is:

! LaTeX Error: Command \XeTeX already defined.
Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.122 ***@reflect@box{E}}\kern-.1667em \TeX}}$}}

The reverse loading order (bidi, then metalogo) triggers an error msg from bidi about loading order, and probably wouldn't help anyway.

This following works smoothly, and allows access to both versions of the logo.
Notice that bidi’s version of \XeLaTeX is slightly narrower than the one from metalogo.


% comment or delete these lines, in practice

Hi, from
\XeTeX\ and \XeLaTeX!

Hi, from
\***@XeTeX\ and \***@XeLaTeX!


For the time being, doing the following before bidi is loaded seems to solve the problem:

Mike Maxwell
University of Maryland

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114
M:+61 407 288 255 | E: ***@mq.edu.au<mailto:***@mq.edu.au>



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